Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Italian Models

Today we were joined by two Italian Models and a local photographer. They traveled with us for the day and the class was coached on basic portrait lighting.

First Stop - Villa Balbianello as seen in James Bond's Casino Royale and the movie Ocean's Twelve. I don't recall the scenes in the movies -- guess I'll just have to watch them again.

Randy helped a group photograph the retired architect model...

While Drake worked with young Mikayla.
Photo by Stu Wheelright
It might be the Italian way, but Mikayla's clothing choices were quite skimpy. This was the MOST she had brought to wear. Drake had asked her to come in something timeless and vintage. I think the intention was lost in translation.

After the villa field trip, we bused to a local pizzeria for lunch...

Photo by Heather Hobbs

Then on to another small village...

... where the photographers were given more portrait experience.

This time, Randy worked with Mikayla. He had her set up against a door.
Suddenly the door flew open, and Mikayla jumped a mile. A very tiny little old lady came out, spoke some Italian a million miles a minute, then went back in shutting the door behind her. 

Her daughter-in-law came to the upstairs window sporting a smile. (We had an interpreter.) "Grandmother" had come back into the house remarking, "Someone outside has lost her pants, and I think they're all trying to find them."

It gave us all a good laugh.
I TOLD you she wasn't wearing much. 
photo by Shaun McFarland

Next Stop - The Piano Nature Reserve recommended by the local photographer.

Forgot your fishing pole? Just use your tripod!

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