Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Michael!

May 25, 1983. This is our Michael Jay just 45 minutes after birth. He was beautifully healthy at 8 lbs. 10 oz.
A great little baby who slept through the night after just a week or two. He was happy and content to just be here; my easiest baby by far. He was a blessing, that's for sure. He came to earth just 20 months after his twin siblings, Jenni and David.

Sweet and quiet. We got a big kick out of his really low voice, laugh, and cry. When I picked him up to console him he would hug me and say "thank you." Those were his first words, I think. This one has a very big heart.

His second grade teacher dubbed him her smartest student ever! He spent hours and hours drawing heros and their weapons of destruction.

He excelled in his gifts and talents. 

And was a great missionary, serving in Seattle, Washington.

He found a beautiful bride, Desiree Hutchinson, and married her in the Salt Lake Temple.

He is now the father of a sweet and adorable, content and quiet baby of his own. We love you, Michael. Happy Birthday, son!


  1. What a good boy he was! ...and still is. Happy Birthday Mike!

  2. wasnt he born in 83? i love the blog though. its way cute :)

  3. Of course he was! I've changed the blog. Where is my mind these days...sigh.
