Monday, December 7, 2009


"If trouble hearing Angels song with thine ears, try listening with thy heart."
~Meriel Stelliger

When our young family acted out "the nativity" at Christmastime, Emily was our angel.
She was perfect in her part and took it as seriously as a little child could.

Last weekend, I attended the church's production of "Savior of the World" and watched with tear-filled eyes as Emily once again played the part of an angel (AND one of Mary's aunts - but we're not talking about aunts right now.)

I found my mind drifting twenty-two years back... I envisioned our little angel child,Emily, as she was then. I could hear her say in her itty bitty sweet little 2-year-old voice, "Fear Not!"

Here she was again, with her beautiful blond curls, all dressed in angelic white, singing praises and declaring glad tidings of great joy!

Was she actually among those angel voices who sang with the hosts of heaven when Christ was born over two millennia ago? I just have this feeling....


  1. Emily is an Angel to many! She blesses the lives of those around her with her kindness and service...along with a bit of humor mixed in.
    We love Emily!

  2. AWESOME! What a great memory. I hope to have many of those moments of reminiscing while watching in awe at my children someday.

  3. Wow, that picture of the four little ones, has brought back a lot of memories for me. I spent a lot of time with those little one's. Emily sure is a sweetheart and they say that the best were saved for the last days and that is exacty what Emily is. Tell her hello for me.
